This Luxury Sheet Mask Promotes Intentional Beauty and Self-Care

This Luxury Sheet Mask Promotes Intentional Beauty and Self-Care

A new sheet mask has hit the market called the Osun Gold Honeycomb Face Mask and it is a toner, essence and serum all in one. This mask not only offers ultra hydration but it also soothes, prevents blemishes, clears acne scars, rejuvenates the skin, provides anti-aging benefits all while giving you a luminous glow. But the skincare benefits aren’t the only thing that the sheet masks are know for.

“It is important for me to educate Black women about self-care because so many times we neglect ourselves while trying to do and be so many things for others. Therefore, the Osun Honeycomb Face Mask is my gift to women, so they can remember to take time out to honour and care for themselves.” says Ithiopia McKinney. “The best is for us. It doesn’t mean that we do not care about our responsibilities or love our families but it is also time to take care of us.”

The mask can be used intentionally through a self-care or beauty routine to reap all the benefits. McKinney describes an intentional beauty routine as a movement where one uses time spent in beautifying the outward appearance to also enhance the inward. She adds that using the mask is an opportunity rest, recuperate and reconnect with inner being – a wellness practice that can help one feel beautiful and luxurious from the inside out.

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